All said in deepest Somerset-eeze

"I can't read and I can't write 
but it don't really matter
'Cos I comes up from Zumerset and
I can I drive a tractor"

Now I've tried to find where this originated from and so many names claiming it as their team's song, (mostly football teams), I even saw one where it claimed it came from David Bowie!!!!  All changing the county name of course Now I know none of that is true.  I remember very well The Wurzels, when Adge Cutler  was still with them singing it in the mid 1970s, and I think they parodied it from somewhere!!!

Anyway - we didn't go to  Carlisle today as we listened (mistakenly) to the weather forecast and it wasn't good so we deferred it and went to Kendal instead.

Kendal was quite busy and I was shocked to see just how many shops are now stood empty.  It's such a sad sight in many towns now.  Never mind, we started off in Farrers for coffee and that was really busy. We then had a pootle, as best as G can.  It was just as well we didn't go to Carlisle as he did have a bit of a turn.  

Once recuperated we then went on to Low Sizergh Barn for lunch.  That wasn't even half full either. Sadly I think a lot of this is to do with a lot of people now going to Levens Kitchens instead.  I still try to support both when I can.  The cafe had it's issues with the till.  Typical of my luck today.  It was working fine, until I went up to place our order and then it stopped working.  15 minutes later I was still stood at the counter, 4 people trying to sort the till out as they couldn't progress any further until it accepted the order and put it through the kitchens!!!!  Hey ho, no matter.  They got it sorted in the end.  Technology -  huh - and everywhere is closing down because technology is taking over, but it all comes to stand still when the energy doesn't work or they have issues.  Let's go back to pen  and paper huh, the worse thing to happen then would be to run out of ink!!!!  Hee hee!!!

Anyway I persuaded G to sit on the tractor at Low Sizergh barn (after putting my waterproof on the seat first)  and it took an effort as really it is put then for children (you know real young ones, not adults who never grew up!!!).

Still it was fun and he started singing "The Tractor Song" much to everyone's amusement!!!

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