Ave atque vale…

…as the saying goes.  
On the right "The Olde One".
First seen here, 13 years ago.   Since then the "Caput Medusae" (the only one I was sure of the name), having "pupped" off and on over the years, finally gave up the Ghost,  The "middle" one was, I was assured by one with knowledge "DoA", except they said it was "Toast". 
    It was replaced but replacement snuffed it. I think it ought to have been "watered"/misted more often than the others.  : ¬ (  
At the other end - that one was so prolific I think it must have had in the order of a couple of dozen Pups.
    IF it's possible, I might deconstruct it; for two reasons:-
1. To see if I can count the corpses.
2. To see if the last relic is recoverable.

On the left - the, as yet un-secured, the generation loosely positioned on a wump of wood I rescued yonks ago; on the Shore Line, with something of this Ilk in mind.
    "Hands up those who don't know what an Ilk is."© Foggy(?) Last of the Summer Wine.

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