"Go back my Lord…

…there's TWO of them!"
Jerraday was moved, from the customary Thu to Tue, and, on instructions from "The Events Organiser" (Clicky) he brought his Tripod and Mirror Lens.
    His Camera is, of course a given - BUT - my money's on Kaybee announcing that "They'd be NO good unless he brought his Camera too!"
    So we set up on the Front Grass in the Sun and, basically, played around. (I hesitate to honour it with the appellation  "Lawn")
    While moving his Tripod a Leg caught, but didn't snap the Tropaeolum.  It was enough, however to dislodge it.  When re-siting it (NOT reciting) he pointed out a flower, he might remember, but I can't, which of us noticed it was NOT the one I'd been so chuffed about; and it was more advanced than "mine".
    Can you see both?

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