View from the river

A rather cloudy day with rain forecast for much of it.  I went to a sprint cycle class first thing and then returned home.  After lunch I went for a walk with a friend along the River Otter but by now it had started to rain.  We decided to continue the walk and headed into Otterton.  Along the way the rain eased off.  I took a shot of this view looking inland with lots of rusty red flowering dock plants in the fields for todays blip.  

The river bank was fairly overgrown with a large amount of Himalayan balsam present.  There was a large group of Mallards in the water but not much else around.  On arriving at Otterton we had a cup of tea and while we were chatting the sun came out.  It disappeared as we left to walk back but the rain by now had stopped so it was a brighter walk back and we heard a kingfisher and saw a pretty blue damselfly.  Good to get a walk in despite the initial poor weather.

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