T persuaded me to cycle to Whitby today. Hmmm . . . found it hard and the legs did not really want to know. He went from Scarbados and back – 47 miles . . .  I met him at Ravenscar and completed 25.5 miles . . . with over 1400’ of climbing. Still the coffee was grand.
Main image shows Dora Walker . . .  1890-1980 . . . The tenth child and fifth daughter of John Ely Walker and Elizabeth Mary Firth . . .  she moved to Whitby from London, where she had been a nurse. Dora became the First Skipper of a Fishing Boat on the NE Coast, in her boat ‘Good Faith’ WY97.
Extras show Seaview . . . Robin Hoods Bay from the cycle track . . . and Larpool . . . a view from the Larpool Viaduct, with a train to Whitby about to pass under. Take care all. Feeling a bit tired now . . .  zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Quick Note . . . on this day Jack Charlton, ex-Boro Manager, died . . .

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