Thomas’s choir

Mr C drove the van for its service and I followed with the car. Then we went to Whitley Bay to go for a walk to St Mary’s Lighthouse with #3 daughter. She treated us to a tasty brunch at Spanish City before we watched the Middle School celebration performance. What a lovely location. We were offered union flags to wave but declined. We were royally (sorry for the pun) entertained by not only his choir, but also dancers, poems about inclusion and climate crisis and some Shakespeare. Turned out the flags were for a Spice Girls number they dancers used - I doubt even the parents had heard of them! Of course the choir were the best - they did so well, especially as they were outside and it was windy.

I walked back down to pick James up from school and got him an ice cream. He’s got a massive bandage on his leg after falling on something sharp in the playground. He said his friends had helped him to the first aider. It looks quite nasty.

His school report arrived. Daughter was quite tearful despite it saying he has worked so hard and is almost at expected standard for reading. His imagination and language use is very good but his writing is poor. (How many adults need to hand write these days?) Thomas works above expected standards for his age so it is understandable she does worry about James. But he is happy at school, is widening friendship groups, enjoys athletics and sport and has another year there before Middle School.

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