
For mono monday. And here are a few. The signs are fine, the problem comes as the chaps that set up the traffic lights up haven't got the sync right. Got to add it has nothing to do with the two lovely guys who are actually digging up the path. While I was there this afternoon, the light changed to green, but there were cars still coming through from the other side of the works!!

This morning as they were setting it all up as I went off for my dental appointment. I had left in plenty of time, but there were three lots of traffic lights along the A377, and I arrived at the Practice with 5 minutes to spare. But it was nice to see that there had been limited re surfacing along the road. Weather not brilliant, with mizzle and rain on the return journey.     

Popped into Tesco on my return to Barnstple, for few bits, then into Curry's to buy a new Printer.  A HP DeskJet2700e. I haven't got it set up yet, but have unpacked it. What I am finding interesting is the Setup Guide and the Reference Guide has very little in english! Infact it is all greek to me and polish. Hey ho! Just hope the online instructions are easy to follow on my phone  :-))                                                                                                                  

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