Some of Mum's conversations are becoming very difficult to understand, she's searching for words, I'm attempting to guess what she is talking about, it's frustrating, not for Mum fortunately as she is unaware. Mum's assessment can't come too soon.
I decided to plant out the Chudleigh Wild bit of my patch this morning, rain was forecast which would save me the job of watering in the shrubs. Pyracantha, Contoneaster, Berberis darwinii, & Escallonia, all self seeded, potted up & brought on, all evergreens, 3 bear berries that the birds love, & pretty Escallonia flowers. 7 herbaceous geranium that remained from my plant sale, plus a couple of euphorbia, pieces of sedum, & a tray of sempervivum. Once planted, I scattered flower seed around - pot marigold, honesty, various poppy seed that I'd collected while out and about, aquilegia, a real mixture that fingers crossed will germinate & provide more attraction to wildlife.
Then I went to the allotment, pulled out the first row of spent pea plants, bundled up the peasticks, turned the ground, topped with manure, & covered, while dodging the heavy shower that lasted all of 10mins. I'm going to plant the leeks there next. I tidied the shed while waiting for the rain to stop, Picked broad beans, peas, pulled a few beetroot, & lifted 3 hulms of Gemson. Lots of tiny potatoes, not sure they make much more but it's a crop that won't be wasted. Cut a bunch of anemones for Mum.
Down to CK, walked the dog in waterproofs, as it was mucky drizzly stuff when I set out.
Next did a Tesco's shop, well 3 actually, Mum's, Tom's, & ours. Two products on my list but not on the shelves, so I asked members of staff if they had stock in the storeroom, & on both counts they did. Very obliging staff. One product has been heavily promoted in the press, none on the shelf in the section, but a display by the checkouts. I'm sure they miss sales............. Hark at me!! :- )) I normally go through the self service checkout but with a checkout free I treated myself to the luxury of feeding the shop along the conveyor belt. Quick & painless. Dropped Mum's shop off & packed it away for her. A swift coffee & custard tart then home.
Fiddled around out in the garden for a while deadheading, then Wimbledon. Brilliant tennis once again.
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