There are cattle grazing on the heath for the summer, & being the inquisitive person that I am, I occasionally kick over the odd cowpat to see what hides within. On today's menu, juicy grubs, woodlice, & tiny black beetles. A dead adder on the roadside as I walked back into the village, yesterday a dead buzzard in near enough the same area. As I was stood talking across the road to Pat, our man on a bicycle rode past. Pat & I both gave him the thumbs up. Herbie is his name, which I forgot to mention yesterday.
I picked broad beans, & peas, plus cut a bunch of anemones to fill Mum's vase.
The promise of rain did'nt materialise, apart from a light shower.
After walking Indie, I moved Mum's large outside to give them a freshen up, hopefully over the next couple of days the leaves will get a good wash, then I'll top up with fresh compost & bring them back in.
Mum came up for the horse racing, then it was time to watch more tennis from Wimbledon.
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