The Garden

It's looking pretty green.  The spinach has bolted and needs harvesting - that likely means a curry or something one night this week.  The tatties are going for it, the lettuces are nearly done.  Peas are just about there.  Nasturtiums are taking over as I hoped they might. Leeks and onions are coming on slowly. Lots of apples on the tree.

Weeded the bit under the rowan today and started to sift out all the rather nice purple slate chips which are pretty but make it difficult to plant anything in there.  Plan is to put bulbs and my "wild" seeds in there if possible, but there's a lot of sifting to do first. 

We have a guy round to measure up to put in some laminate floor downstairs today, which pleasantly was cheaper than we expected.  Should be done in two weeks!  

I  treated myself by skipping the last read-through episode of 'Ten Very Big Books' up my podcast list and enjoyed the mega 3.5 hour long episode of the finale.  Even got a bit teary in the garden as they read out some of the last lines of the book - those stories really pack a punch!  Really hoping they manage to get the author on for an interview again now they've finished up.  

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