PAR1 The Great

On This Day In History
1762: Catherine The Great assumes power

Quote Of The Day
"A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache."
(Catherine The Great)

No great wind today - beautiful weather for almost the entire day - and plenty of imagination inspired by my gracious, generous and informative host, PAR1. She met me at the Ryde Hoverport, although I did walk straight past her at first, and then we walked up to the Bus And Coach Museum. That was fascinating.

We then went for our midday meal of fish and chips at the Captain's Table. I always eat fish and chips whenever I come to England, and I thought I would wait until today's blipmeet before eating them this time. It was worth the wait; delicious.

After lunch, PAR1 drove me to Alum Bay where we enjoyed taking the chairlift down to the beach where we could look at the coloured sand on the cliffs and view The Needles. Absolutely wonderful, with glorious weather.

After a soft drink at a cafe in Alum Bay, PAR1 drove me back to the Hoverport where I caught the 17:15 hovercraft back to Portsmouth.

What a splendid day we had. Everything fell so perfectly into place for us, with timing, weather and everything else. I was so happy to meet PAR1 since we have been following each other's journals for about ten years. It was wonderful to finally meet her and we never ran out of interesting things to talk about or discuss. PAR1 has an incredible knowledge of history and she was able to enlighten me with many fascinating nuggets of information about the places we visited.

Thank you, PAR1. I owe you. Let's meet in Japan some time so I can reciprocate your kindness.

In The Sun

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