Silly Saturday ...

... Jacobsburg State Park doggies.

Even though it was very hot and humid today we ventured out this afternoon.  I figured there would be some dogs enjoying the creek at Jacobsburg State park ... and I was right!  Pictured here ... and in the Extra ... are just two of the many dogs we saw.  The family that belonged to these dogs were throwing both sticks and rather large rocks into the creek for their two dogs.  The lighter colored one (I failed to get either of their names!) would wade out to retrieve these items.  And would eventually come up with said large rocks ... as you can see in the photos.  The darker colored one looks to be a puppy and learning the ropes.   Much better viewed full screen.

And they weren't the only ones enjoying the coolness of the creek.  There were also lots of people ... from the very young to the middle aged.   The elderly were much too smart to even be out in this heat!  

When we got home I immediately jumped in the pool as I was pretty over heated by this time.  It felt wonderful.  And since that cooled me down nicely I didn't leave the house again after that ... preferring to stay in the air conditioned house.

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