Congratulations Rachel!

I've enjoyed a very busy, happy day.

07:00 One hour on the exercise bike
08:00 Breakfast, then getting organised for the rest of the day
08:45 Walk to the gym
09:25 Pilates class
10:15 Walk home (via the Bethany shop)
11:00 Shower, dress up for graduation
11:50 Walk to the Bread Street Brasserie
12:30 Graduation lunch with honorary graduates and senior university staff
14:30 Don robe
15:00 Graduation ceremony
17:15 Walk home (via Waterstones and HMV)
18:15 Prawn curry for supper - thank you Mr hazelh
19:00 Watch Thursday's Who do you think you are?
20:00 Walk to the Cask and Barrel to see Chil in concert
21:00 Walk home again
21:15 Bath
21:50 Bed

Congratulations Dr Rachel Salzano (blipped)!

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; walking (24,454 steps).

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