Villiomenapuu and Runopuu murals

We had lunch at the Tammela market and then we went to see the new mural nearby. The mural was published last week: it is called Crabapple and it is dedicated to a poet Kirsi Kunnas (1924 - 2021). In the mural there is a fragment of her poem Että iloni olisi puu (1986), it means something like That my joy would be a tree.

Että iloni olisi puu
oksilla omenat
olisi keveys ja tuuli
joka kantaa
että iloni olisi tuuli joka kantaa

The other mural has been done in 2020 and it is dedicated to a poet Mirkka Rekola (1931 - 2014). It is called Runopuu (Poem Tree) and it says: 

Minä rakastan sinua, minä sanon sen kaikille 
(I love you, I say it to everyone).

Rekola and Kunnas were close friends, so it is appropriate that their murals are neighbors.

+19,5 °C, cloudy

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