Green Man

I was up early to get myself and BB ready for a couple of days away visiting TT’s mum.  I was right to be worried about ticks yesterday, as I found one in my leg this morning.

TT took us into Edinburgh and we caught the train to York.  It was really busy.  We were in the quiet carriage.  It wasn’t quiet at all!  At least it was very efficient.  It left on time and arrived on time.    We then walked along by the river to Grandma’s house, keeping out of the way of the geese.  She was delighted to see us, and was ready to rustle up some lunch for us.
We all had a lovely catch up.  Later in the afternoon, I went out for a wee walk to stretch my legs.  I couldn’t persuade either of BB or Grandma to join me.  Not long after I got back, we headed out for tea.  We went to a really lovely Italian restaurant, where we were joined by TT’s brother and his partner.  We had a lovely evening, good chat, good food and very good service. 
TT’s brother suggested stopping off at a local pub on the way back home.  It was a lovely traditional pub, with live music in another room.  We had a quick drink, then continued on our way home.  We facetimed TT when we got back, and I went for a final quick walk along the river.  It was a lovely evening.
As I walked through Rowntree park this afternoon, I spotted this. 

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