The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Teenage Communication

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

“Please send me a message every day?” I asked The Youngest Mini Princess before she went away, “You don’t even have to say anything. Just a photo will do.”

Day 1 - no communication!

So today I sent “Remember that text a day?!”

She replied with a picture of a club with “Last night text x”

Followed by a second message - “Today text x”!


PS We went out tonight with Irish friends of The Prince who are in Edinburgh on holiday. It was a great night but by the end of the night, I had to make quite an effort to stop myself slipping into an Irish accent. It’s because I start thinking on an Irish accent and then realise I sound like I’m taking the p1ss when I speak! Happens with other accents too. Took me a while after I came home from NZ for my inside head voice to get its vowels straight again!

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