A Norwich day

But sadly I never see Norwich City any more. (Photo from traffic jam in the city, of the cathedral spire - I do miss it) I'm stuck inside the concrete block that is County Hall, and today didn't even manage a lunch break. Not good. But I don't need to be told I must have a break, and won't do it again. A long day 8 until 5.30 but some useful training fine with 2 of our newer staff, and nice as always to see people.

Home to find the garage had a problem with equipment they use to check brakes, so couldn't do my MOT. It is booked in now for Friday at 9am. Thanks for the feedback about going to one car. Its so hard, as I've wanted a mini all my life, and only had it 2 years, and now we permanently work from home. With the motorbike, plus access to Henry's car, it seems extreme to have 2 cars sitting on the drive. The insurance will be higher this year, I'm hearing from other people. Perhaps that is when I'll decide. We can't really afford to waste money on it as a luxury, so I need to be sensible.

I started to sort the hanging basket. I don't have and new plants for it, but I wanted to renew the soil. So I've done that this evening, and trimmed back the few plants that were in it. Tomorrow I will get something with colour to fill the gaps, but I have added some home grown tiny parsley, dill and basil. I hope they all fill out.

Now it's the Sewing Bee - highlight of my week!

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