So long NYC
This wasn't quite the farewell point (uploading this at the airport so technically not there even now) but it is so extraordinary that Jackson will so willingly do jazz hands in a photo that it has to be my blip to capture the sheer joy of the week.
There have been harder moments - not least dealing with temperatures of 35+ degrees on most days. Nice if your main plans involve lying next to a pool; slightly more challenging for a city holiday. Especially one that is already pretty full on regardless what the weather is doing.
But mainly it's just been great and I am happy that the kids seem to have been bitten by the NY bug as much as we are. I don't know when we'll be able to return but hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.
Fortunately we have a great city to return to and I hear rumours of sunshine but more sensible temperatures.
Lesley x
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