Canada Day

Happy Canada Day. 

I spent mine waiting for the rain to stop, only to find out that when it did stop, it had transformed itself into Canadian Sticky Heat. Thankfully, major thunderstorms put a slight end to that: we gained a load of water, but lost at least, ooh, I don't know, half a degree?

OCTranspo, that feckless bunch of halfwits who organise the capital's public transit, joined in the fun by announcing yesterday that the main LR Train station closest to where the firework display was supposed to be would be closed for the day... due to excess capacity predictions. They spend 4 billion on a train system and it can't operate during busy times. We had the choice of walking2km in the rain, or staying at home.

Ottawacker Jr. had a good day. Started off with an invite to a movie and then had a couple of friends back over for ribs and burgers. The thunder meant we did them indoors and not on the BBQ, but they were good all the same. 

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