84 F/ 29 C

The magic of a 
sunrise plays out in its light
and special colour 


I was awake at 5 with that first light coming into the house. It was a decidedly lovely morning not to be missed. I was off to Vantage Point on the river by 5:30.

Air Canada's first flight of the day was revving up on the runway. Other than that, all was quiet and calm this morning. I got a shot of my mountains and the river at different angles. 

I discovered the person who has one of my quilted hearts hanging from their rear-view mirror. She arrived with her big dog to walk the Rivers Trail. While she walked away, I attached a quilted heart to the last fence post. 

I was home before 6:30 with my breakfast in hand. My feet are up in my recliner and should remain there for the day. 

We're heading into a heat spell again. It will warm up throughout this week. 

*** I've used the Paper Artist app on my cell phone. The effect is called For Real. 

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