Perfect Day (Well Almost), Margate

This is a rather late back blip but I'd had a bit of a bad spell before with various things. At this point my ankle was still sore which lead to me having problems with my knee. Also, I'd completely lost my photographic mojo and I was still mourning the loss of being able to go for a pint now and again at lunchtime, especially so on a Monday as often that would be the one thing I could look forward to on the day I hate more than any other (I think I've probably gone for a Monday lunchtime pint virtually every week for the past twenty years or so!)
So I decided to book a day off and me and my brother headed to Margate to get some sea air and try and capture some images. The weather was great but on the way down the "well almost" interrupted our journey. We just seemed to hit roadworks every few miles, I think we had to go through six or seven different ones before we reached our destination. By that time we were very thirsty and hot so headed to a bar right at the end of the harbour arm (see first extra) for a cold bottle of beer looking out across the beach. The sculpture in the distance is of Mrs. Booth (also know locally as the "shell lady") who was the landlady and lover of the painter J.M.W. Turner. We then walked into the centre of town for something to eat and we found a lovely soul cafe called Olby's where we had jerk chicken and potato skins with cheese and bacon. The food was delicious and the waitress was really friendly and smiley. We will definitely be going back next time we visit. The extras three, five, six and nine were taken in the centre of town as we walked around after our very tasty lunch. It was then time to head to the beach and feel the sand under our feet. Unfortunately, I was wearing an old pair of running shoes that soon filled up with sand but as the beach was glorious I didn't mind too much! This is where I took extras seven and eight. At this point the sun was very strong and it felt really hot so we decided to head to the promenade to get an ice cream to cool us down (see last extra).The second and fourth extras were taken along the seafront.
To end our trip we could not miss going to the Turner Gallery and that's where I took the main image. It featured a wonderful exhibition of paintings by an artist called  Beatriz Milhazes who paints these amazing abstract colourful large scale canvases (she also created the stunning window display). They were so brilliant and vibrant and I just loved them.
It was then time to head home via a stop off at Chilham for another cooling drink. We just had such a brilliant day together and my photographic mojo returned - hurrah! 

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