
It had to be done as I had two slices in the freezer left over from last weekend. The SK y’see won’t countenance such things entering the temple that is her body. The gents Phil Soc, quite coincidentally had kicked off a discussion about exactly this delicacy on whatsApp. "My favourite meal” quoth MrW. According to Rog however: "Still pink after cooking. That's not natural.” I declared that I like mine well cooked so that pinkness was much reduced. And then I realised that I’d forgotten I was actually still cooking them.
The rest of the day was much relaxing fun; the wind blew some - I walked out the breakwater to check the boats. And Cap’n Tom arrived seeking assistance to pass a box aloft over the fences to his new gaff. Oh, and I planted a clematis. So, July already, eh?    

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