Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Skinners Day

Last night we had a very good evening at the school, and then we stayed over in the local Best western Hotel which is a historic building and grade II listed building, but in truth it is rather grotty and a dump, and we both slept so badly as the room was hot and stuffy and it was noisy with people talking downstairs. I am feeling very tired now.

This morning were all sorts of formal proceedings, starting off with a final chapel service of term followed by the prize giving and speeches. I am always humbled at the talent of the school leavers, and where they are going on to study and all sorts of national and international awards they they have earned. This was followed by drinks and lunch. We usually stay for the final orchestral concert of the term but I wanted to get home as I needed to start preparing food for Glyndebourne Opera tomorrow. 

It has been a very busy weekend so far, I am also trying to edit all of Tommy's graduation photos as he is keen to see them as soon as possible. Adam, Luke and Meriel have just arrived and we are about to go have supper at our local pub.

Apologies for the lack of comments on journals but I have been ultra busy this weekend.

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