Hello Lovely Blippers,

You know we are a very inclusive gang and when we went down to visit Mrs. T, AKA Amanda, in the week, she asked if Kevin the Koala could join the Silly Saturday Gang and of course, we said yes!

Kevin belonged to Mr. T and she said that she was sure he would want us to have Kevin with us.  Since he arrived, we have been looking at the HUGE Concise Atlas of the World that belongs to Mr & Mrs HCB.  Well it is hardly concise if it’s this big is it?  Someone is having a laugh - and of course, it is very silly to call a HUGE Atlas like this concise!  We think that Admirer would love this silliness and of course, we do too.

You can see by the HUGE smile on Kevin’s face that he is happy to be with us and we are very fortunate to have him too - but we do think it’s rather strange that he keeps saying things like “G’day Mate” in a strange accent - and then Baby Jay shouts out “Howdy Folks” all the time, when we would just say “Hello” but there you go, we are all different and we shouldn’t put people down because of the way they speak, should we? 

We heard Mrs HCB say she had a puncture last night when she went to see her physiotherapist, so we wondered how she got it fixed, but then we realised she said she had had acupuncture!  How silly are we but we are the Silly Saturday Gang!  We are going to read up on Koalas and what they eat and drink and what they do, so that will keep us busy for a while.

Have a great weekend whatever you are doing and remember to be kind to all you meet because you don’t know what they are going through and many people smile even though they are going through difficult times - as we well know!  

Love from The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

P.S.  We forgot to say that Mrs. T crocheted the lovely blanket at the back especially for Mrs. HCB who loves purple.  

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