
By Legacy

By-Gone Era

This is a photograph of Jean Harlow and for those too young to remember, a major movie star in the 1920s and 30s.  Her life was tragic, ending at age 26 in 1937 but she made a major impact on the fledgling movie industry.

The photograph above was a gift from her to my Grandmother, Grace Kendal, in appreciation for a number of kindnesses shown her at a difficult time in her life.  Jean apparently lived in an abusive situation and was offered a place to stay by my Grandmother.  I don't recall how long she lived with her and her two daughters, my mother Marjorie, and my Aunt Myra, but I do recall my mother telling me about their friendship.  She was one year younger than my mother. 

The inscription on the photograph reads: "To dear Mrs. Kendal with my love, Jean Harlow (Harlean)".  Her birth name was Harlean Harlow Carpenter.  

The photograph was my gift to Rob a number of years ago and now hangs in his  office at home.  

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