Parrot Fashion

I was walking around the precinct of Dinham today, crossing the ancient bridge that spans the River Teme as it flows around Ludlow old town.

And guess what I saw?

Two brightly adorned parrots (Macaws) sitting on the bridge parapet.

How did you guess?

Well it was quite a sight and caused quite a stir as they chattered and preened each other, apparently oblivious to the small crowd that had gathered and slowed the cars down that were crossing the bridge.

It transpires that a local man comes to sit by the river on a regular basis and brings the two birds with him. He sits and watches the world go by while the brightly coloured birds chat to  passers by. One says 'hello' and the other says 'give us a kiss'!

A bright spot on an otherwise grey and overcast day. 

I also saw a Small Toroiseshell butterfly.. my first this year! 

Have a great weekend everyone, it's here now! 

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