
We have changed our plans.
We were due to drive at a leisurely pace through Northern Spain and up through rural France to take a ferry from Roscoff next Thursday. 
The strange noise coming from our front brake has developed into a horrible graunching noise, and we though it best to not drive another thousand kilometres to Roscoff , but to get ourselves to Santander to which we were quite close and see if we could take a ferry from there. We can but not until Sunday. But there are worse places to be kicking our heels for a couple of days. In the extra the view of the Picos de Europa , a strange colour as taken through windscreen, without being able to go was pretty frustrating .
We are staying on a headland by the Cabo Mayor lighthouse and the Coast is lovely.
Judging by what’s going on in France at the moment we might just be glad of a lucky escape.

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