Where's ..............

 .................. BikerBear Now??  (WBBN?).

Day Thirteen.

Clue:  Merrimack/Concord; Cradle of the American Industrial Revolution.

Clue applies to top left and bottom right images.

A fabulous day with blue skies, fluffy clouds and temperatures around 80F (approx. 25C)  -  a complete bonus as rain was forecast.
We were inland, coastal and all places in between.  Stuck in some traffic, open roads.

I mistakenly ran a stop sign (neither of us saw it) and, when a truck pulled in front of us, we both made "what the hell" faces only to be shouted at by the driver "you have a damn stop sign".   Oooops.
Farther down the road he was parked up so I pulled up a little in front to go back and apologise .... as I walked towards him he looked somewhat annoyed (I suspect he thought I was going to start berating him) so I opened my apology with "I am SO sorry, I'm English (it seems to work) and I completely missed seeing the stop sign so I need to apologise to you" ............. making a long story short we ended up talking about his trip to UK four years ago and, by the time I left, we'd had a hug and we were all smiles.  I felt so much better as I knew it was my error.
The rest of the day went without incident ..... or, at least, we made no more errors!!!    :o))

Pipersmom flies out tomorrow   >sad face<   so we have to be at the airport by 05.45 ..... ugh.  Leaving the hotel around 05.00.

Tomorrow I will list the locations we have featured in our blips.  A lot of you have done really well with guesses.  You clever lot.  :o)

~ Anni ~

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