Blippers galore

Went into Glasgow this afternoon for the first showing in Glasgow of the 'See Us' exhibition at the Street Level Photoworks in Trongate.  Nice venue, and it was really good to meet some other blippers and have a chat about our addiction.  None of us seem to have a cure though.  Also met Skaterg1rl, who was very interesting to talk to as she does some work for Blip!

The HG did the honours with the photo, which shows me, Scottie5, Quaver, Hayles, complete with Eldest and Youngest, and Elf, complete with hat.   Hayles' contribution to the exhibition is above Eldest's head.

It was great fun, thanks for your company, Blippers.

I believe it is at the gallery for the month of June and is worth a visit if you are in the city.

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