11 Boroughgate

Last February I started to look at all the significant buildings in Appleby and research their history - if you follow the tag on this blip you will find the ones I did if you are interested. 

I got as far as the Cloisters at the foot of Boroughgate, the main street of Appleby. Then I was going to continue up the street but it is only now that I am doing this. 

Two things happened as I left the Dentist this morning.

 I called in at the Tourist Information Centre (it was open which is surprising in itself!) and I found a new booklet ‘Step by Step along Boroughgate, Appleby, published by the Cumbria Vernacular Buildings Group. This lovely book brings together much of the research about the buildings that I have previously had to scout around for in various books and documents. This immediately inspired me to continue my wander up Boroughgate. 

Then I happened to look out of the window and saw that there were no vehicles parked outside the most interesting building of all. I have often tried to photograph it but, as it is the Pharmacy, there are invariably cars parked right outside. I dashed outside . . . just as a lady drew up and parked (she got out and left the door open to go to talk to someone - a remarkably dangerous thing to do!). I took the photo anyway and it is okay. 

11 Boroughgate 
This fine building has undergone several changes over the centuries. It is basically a 16th century building with a gabled upper storey added in the 17th century and shop windows and door added in the 20th century. There are some interesting architectural features, for example the mullioned windows with drip stones on the top floor; the ball finials on the gables. I think it is just a lovely building. (Far too small for a Pharmacy, so I have been told as I have rarely been inside.)

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