Warebeth (Day 2970)

A day of zooming around started with a trip to Stromness to look at an electric shower which had stopped working. The burning smell when it stopped working was a fair indication that it was dead, so I replaced it rather than trying to fault find. As I was leaving the customer's house, the neighbour asked me to look at his shower which had also stopped working. A few checks confirmed it was dead and I said I would get back later in the day with a replacement. Since I was in Stromness, I had a quick visit to the horses to say hello to them and my beautiful wife.
Down to the bathroom re-fit in Holm to clear out the last of my stuff, check that the shower was working ok, and clear an air-lock from the hot taps.
A brief stop in town to collect stuff, then home for lunch, and an hour on the phone sorting out motorbike insurance.
Off to Stromness again to swap the shower I looked at in the morning, and fix a dripping tap.
HV was going to be home a bit late, so I went along the field to do the hoss chores. I was there a bit longer than I realised and HV joined me for hoss scratching in the sunshine.

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