Silver Wings.

Didn't sleep well last night and woke up tired to a wet and chilly morning. Did various bits of maintenance and a bit of tidying as Danielle was coming to dust at one o'clock. However at one she phoned and said could she come tomorrow at eleven instead. I agreed rather grudgingly and went off to shop at Sainsbury's  feeling fed up. She and her sister are lovely girls but they are always changing arrangements at the last minute  which I don't like. I'm someone who likes to know where I am so I think we may have to part company. My shopping expedition didn't help my mood a lot. Couldn't find things I wanted, a car backed out of it's parking place without looking to see if the way was clear and then a woman with two dogs walked out from behind a car and crossed the road without looking at all. Lucky my brakes are in good nick. I was glad to get home to take yet another garden blip. At least the weather had cleared up and the sun was shining.

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