
By KCNQ2Haiku

Where's Dad gone?

He's gone without me?
I SO could have come with you.
When will you be home?

The norm of working from home means that Leo is not used to Mr KCNQ2Haiku going into the office (in fairness, neither am I!) This morning he stood by the door, aware something was different and wondering.  Bless.
Ben went to school and apparently was 'wobbly'.  He's been OK with me though.
Leo and I had a couple of walks, he had a lovely run around with a Shih Tzu type dog called Charlie, he also had an unauthorised dabble in a brook :-/
The main news of the day was that one of the smoke alarms starting intermittently beeping.  It's hard wired so I thought maybe it was a back up battery but googling it sent me down a rabbit warren of instructions and turning off mains supply etc. I tried to call the electrician who installed it but had no joy, so I just gently fretted all day whilst cursing the beeping ceiling.. until Mr KCNQ2Haiku remembered an electrician who installed some cameras for us and he talked me through it all over the phone and was a Big Star.  So thank you to him :-) And.. isn't it lovely when the ceiling doesn't beep??!  I didn't know I should appreciate a quiet roof but now I definitely DO!

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