Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Today was mainly overcast but still hot and humid. After walking Xena I went to my ladies golf clinic, and enjoyed getting back into it as I missed the weeks when my sister was visiting. Afterwards the ladies in my group went to a nearby pub for coffees and a chat which was fun.

I then went to collect my mounted images from the RAC Club exhibition and stopped off at M&S on the way to get a few foodie items for the weekend. 

We have a very busy weekend coming up - usually we have no plans on a weekend but this weekend it seems everything is happening, it never rains but it pours! We are off to Cambridge on Friday morning for Tommy's graduation, which clashes with the 'governor's weekend' at the school - Gavin feels bad to be missing certain events he is required to attend at school on Friday but we will go there directly from Cambridge and hopefully get there in time for the concert and the dinner. The governors are required to stay over in the local hotel in town and every year I have avoided it as the hotel is pretty dire, but this year it seems I have run out of excuses....  on Saturday it is an early rise for the chapel service and then the final day of term with prize giving and all sorts of other events -  with speeches from Gavin (which he has not even thought about yet as he has had such a busy week at work) - and then the boys arrive home, as on Sunday we are all going to Glyndebourne. Which doesn't give me much time to prepare the picnic lunch for Glyndebourne so a few food items from M&S can help add to the menu I am preparing.

Another long walk for Xena this afternoon, the long days of summer means she gets two long walks - I was trying to photograph a butterfly and looked down to see this which made me smile - the butterfly flew off, I am yet to photograph one this year. 

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