Bee on Lavender

It seems I’m now in the second phase of treatment side-effects. I have a visit to my support team  at the local hospital who tell me it is normal for the nausea to lessen after the first few days, replaced by extreme fatigue and lightheadedness which will last another couple of weeks - after which I’ll start to feel more normal! 

I have no energy; my brain seems to have been replaced by cotton wool and I have that fuzzy feeling that, at its worst, I can only compare with a drug-induced post-operative cloud! Last week, I felt quite comfortable accepting my limitations and just ‘going with the flow’, but I’ve slipped back to feeling I should be doing more so feel somewhat frustrated.  It will pass, I’m sure! 

Suffice to say, I’m not even up to our usual mini-outing, and when the brightening weather suggests an evening trip is on the cards, I opt out and stay in the garden photographing bees feeding on our lavender. I suspect there may be lots of garden shots over the next few weeks, so apologies in advance! 

Inevitably there’s an extra - and I may well change these round! (Either way, best viewed large.)

Thanks to Jen for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month! 

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