Common Spotted

A change of Wednesday routine today. Instead of the four year old arriving at 07:00 we set off to her home at about 08:30. Her dad is working from home today and we arrived in time to take over so that he could log on to his work system. 

We set off for a walk at the local nature reserve. The four year old spotted a bright green caterpillar and a lovely ringlet butterfly. Unfortunately the photographs I snapped of them weren't top quality. I don't know if the orchid is either but here it is. There were so many growing by the paths. Lovely! 

The reason for the change of routine is that the eight year old finishes school at 1:00pm for the summer holidays. We are going to meet her then take both girls for a celebratory ice cream. The eight year old doesn't know that we're here so it will be a surprise for her. 

No yoga tonight as the teacher is on holiday. A night off! 

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