The workers arrived and I went off to the MIND shop for the morning. I was asked if I minded clearing out and tidying under the counter, which is generally in a terrible mess. Not at all! It's a  bit like cleaning someone else's kitchen, so much more fun than your own! A lot of stuff went in the bin, a lot was put out for sale and the rest was organised. I'm good at that... which is why Julie asked me to do it :-)

I did a big shop in Tesco on the way home and bought these cordials, because they have no artificial ingredients such as aspartame, acesulfame K, sucralose, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, sodium metabisulphite, carboxylic methyl cellulose... need I go on? They are a bit more expensive, but I've spent no money on alcohol for 29 days so I'm quids in.

Extra of the bathroom. One day to go. I'm dead pleased although I hope adjusting the doors under the sink is on their list.

Edit: I did an evening walk from Codnor:-
5.78 miles
438 ft elevation gain 

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