Small Dusty Wave

This was flying around our bathroom as I got ready for bed last night (Post midnight, hence I can Blip it today!) It is not the best shot of one you will ever see - it didn't settle for long and whenever it did it was on the ceiling, meaning I had to tip my neck at an odd angle to try to get the shot. I could not put the camera too close for fear of disturbing it so had to zoom more than I would have liked.

Today I've done more Pilates, housework including bins and a bit of admin for my Dad (Or Dadmin as I call it!) Because we have less rubbish now there are only two of us in the house we only put the bins out once a fortnight. We really must empty the inside recycling box more often though - it was such hard work as it was piled high and I broke a wine bottle in the yard. I had to clean it up thoroughly as cats go out there!

Talking of cats, Minstrel was in my bad books - whilst trying to help himself to my lunch he walked across my laptop in a way that disabled the touch-pad. I wasted a good 20 minutes fixing that!

Time to walk up to the hospital now to visit my Dad again. It is much cooler today and looks like rain...

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