
Well its been a bit cooler today a nice breeze so I have been pulling up nettles this afternoon wich was ok with my hands as o have some leather welding gloves but they caught my arms which are irritating at the moment.

Tomorrow the tree fellers are coming to cut down the big Sycamore again and a couple of other trees. The chap whos land backs on to ours is wanting to put up a new fence and some of our trees are encroaching over the old one so he asked if he could have them taken down. They do need a bit of treatment so we said yes.
He said no cost to us. The Sycamore was taken down a good way a few years ago but has grown again and he says it drips sticky all over his car which is parked under it. I nearly said park it somewhere else then but decided that sounded a bit rude.
Anyhow until it grows yet again our garden will be much lighter. I just feel sorry for the birds.
Its not our tree it was there when we came 50 years ago, its on our boundary and it was over a hundred years old then we know because a friends grandad said he used to sit under it watching cricket when he was a lad and he was pushing 90 then. Our houes were built on the old cricket fields.

I'm off shopping and leaving them to it but I might just get a blip of them up the tree.

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