Scarlet Tiger Moth
Never seen one before.
It was, and still is on the poppies that I blipped a few days ago.
Today I cut the grass and with my wife's help put up three security lights at the back of the house.
Not really for security, more for us so we don't trip over stuff in the dark.
We shopped this afternoon. I bought two Hawiian shirts and a baseball cap.
Cos that's the kind of guy I am, OK?
This evening we drank, between us, an entire bottle of wine.
And I took Hollie for a long walk, went to the vast clover field, and I lay down.
I have never wanted so much to sleep and never wake up.
I said to my solicitor, my wife is spending every night going from pub to pub. I want a divorce.
He asked if she is alcoholic, or cheating on me.
I said, no, she just keeps following me all the time...
In my extra is the shirt I didn't buy. The landlord at our local is gay and I do not want to send the wrong messages...
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