Pots and plants
Our pots were not overly clean when they were packed in the UK. Then they spent 6 months in dusty storage, 2 months out in all weathers behind the garage here, followed by another month in the grass composting area so they were out of the way of the painting. They were very grubby.
I spent the morning scrubbing them.
Meanwhile, we've had a plumber. The guest en suite now has a functioning shower. And we have an outside tap on the patio, so I was able to hose the pots down to rinse off the residual loose grass.
Despite his best efforts, our plumber failed to solve the persistently dripping toilet (which is probably the reason our booster pump runs for about 5 seconds every few minutes) - it needs new innards, but the one he had ordered was the wrong size. He'll have to come back again.
I had to go into Wexford, to pick up another secondhand purchase, and do a bit of shopping, and by the time I'd done that, I'd lost the oomph to combine the plants and the pots - a job for tomorrow.
W spent the morning baking - soda bread, rusks and pikelets.
And he's now putting together the barbecue purchased in the hope that we have some more good weather whilst my daughters are visiting.
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