Back to the garden

Today I spent mostly relaxing in the garden.  Mr MC did relax a little but likes to get up and do a few chores regularly.  One of his recent tasks seems to be to provide food for the large number of wood pigeons that have taken to visiting us: larger birds no doubt have realised that currently there is no cat patrolling the garden and species such as crows, magpies, jackdaws and wood pigeons have got rather bold.
The smaller birds remain present, unperturbed by whether or not there is a feline presence and I managed to capture this very young blue tit having a snack of peanuts.  You can see that this feeder has barriers against larger birds and the very naughty squirrels.

In other news:tonight we watched the legendary Elton John give a wonderful performance as he headlined Glastonbury this year with his set.  His first appearance at Glastonbury and (he said) his final appearance in the UK.  He was fabulous and all of his guests could sing as well!

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