
Asha was off out to see Charlie for the morning and then head to a beach with her family for the rest of the day. Danny and Nate created a huuuuge den which involved the complete furniture change of the lounge, and several sheets and pieces of material - Nate was delighted!
Later we got juices and walked to his favourite park, not our wisest decision as it's so humid and hot...but he had fun.
Sad news of the day is that Asha's fish, Tibbles, died. So that was a sad note for her to come home to after a fun day and evening at the sea. 

And thankyou SO much for your kindness on yesterday's 4,000 blips! I'd not realised til after I'd posted otherwise I'd have created a more special photo...but maybe that's the point! Blip, capturing life a day at a time, the good the bad, the ugly and the mundane! x

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Orange and redcurrant juice - delish.
2) Getting out of the flat and leaving the mess/den behind for a bit. The kids love it, but me not so much!!
3) Cuddling up with Nate to read more of his book together in bed whilst we waited for Asha to get home.

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