DJs and platters

A day based around our books! We did get out to go shopping, mainly because Asha wanted to create 2 sharing platters to snack from whilst we read. So we bought nice bits and bobs and made a savoury and a sweet tray. Lovely to bump into the Directora of her school in Aldi!
About 8 we headed to the Club Náutico in the Port as a local friend is hosting nights on the rooftop there. An absolutely fantastic evening with stunning views, no heaving crowds, no over priced drinks, and no pretentiousness! A gem!! Kevin and Todd joined us about 9 which was lovely. Vicent got Danny practicing his DJing which was entertaining! We bumped into Marga who was the assistant in Asha's class, so that was extra lovely too.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Finally finishing the book Bulliblips left with me at Easter... Though not been reading it since then! Thanks Süz!
2) A reassuring conversation with Kevin who is a nurse in the hospital. He's not at all surprised Nate's still not 100% & reassured me recovery takes time.
3) Vicent's kindness and warmth towards us. Feels extra wonderful when local locals welcome you in.

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