
After returning home last night and a quick round of washing and repacking, we headed north again, this time to Kenmore in Perthshire. We are all due to attend the wedding of one of our nieces.

The weather driving north was horrendously wet. As one of our other nieces posted on social media “Welcome to Scotland” as the windscreen wipers swished at full speed.

Even when we arrived at Kenmore the heavens renewed their downpour. By the time we had eaten (very well) and returned to our lodge it had all calmed down. Covered in Smidg our son and I walked the dogs. At the bridge over the Tay as it exited the Loch there was a fisherman gently casting his line. Silhouetted against the setting sun it provided many photo opportunities. I’ve chosen this one for the warm colours but have added one of a fish being caught (and released) and of the fisherman appearing to be standing in clouds (the arty one).

Welcome to Scotland.

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