Baseball Fans in London

Obviously it’s not me taken this as I’m up in Perth!

Stewart and Cameron were up with the dawn flying early to Stanstead and the en the bus to the Olympic stadium for a game between the Chicago Cubs and the St Louis Cardinals. There was entertainment on before the game , HUGE hot dogs and merchandise . It was 31 c there so rather hot! They had a fabulous day.

Finished in time for the bus back to Stanstead and waiting on the flight back.

Watched the Lewis capaldi set from Glasto. How I felt for him but I must say the youngsters in the crowd were amazing! So supportive and not a boo! I think the young folks are much more understanding. I read on a Facebook fan page for Bruce this guy moaning that there were a few songs where Bruce played wrong notes and he walked out!!!! He was upset at Bruce missing chords…. Unreal (shaking my head).

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