Boats at Blakeney

I slept reasonably ok last night, despite it being a hot night (already 19C at 7:30 am), so feeling a bit better I arranged with G to drive over to Blakeney at 8:45 for a shorter walk before it got too hot. The car park was nearly full when we arrived - everyone had the same idea.  It was lovely out on the marshes with a breeze, but when we'd done a circuit and started heading for the Wiveton Hall Cafe, in the shelter of the trees it was like walking into a blanket of heat. So we turned round and sat in the shade outside the Two Magpies having a drink. Then we had a look round the Antiques Fair in the Village Hall and both bought a couple of items, which will no doubt feature in Winter blips! I'm now watching the final at Queens, and it's over 30C here. Bizarre thinking that only 16 days ago we'd been stuck in the East in cold, windy weather not getting over 12C and I think it's been very hot and sunny ever since. 

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