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By pplnani

Not Again!

.......... we have had a very worrying couple of days. Yesterday lunchtime, I had just finished eating when I heard Boo making a coughing, snorting noise in the next room, so I went to investigate - he was sneezing, drooling and struggling to breathe ........ I quickly called hubby and we decided he needed urgent veterinary help, so a quick phone call to vets and we were on our way.
It’s a half hour trip and he did fortunately calm down a little but he was still quite poorly.
The vets took him in immediately and put him on oxygen before giving him a check over. We were extremely pleased that the very experienced vet that we usually see was on duty and took over the assessment because she knows him quite well.
They wanted to monitor him over the next half hour or so which meant we sat in the car worrying for that time. On our return the vet said he had started sneezing blood and advised immediate exploratory surgery, which we agreed to.
A similar thing happened a couple of years ago ........... ........... for the full story.

We went home very worried and upset to wait for news ......... it was the longest few hours of my life :-(((((
Around six o clock the vet rang and I hardly dare answer for fear of what she might say but thankfully he was just waking up and we could pick him up later in the evening, phew, such a relief.
However, this time when he came home he wouldn’t eat ......... and still hadn’t eaten all day so we’ve started feeding him with a syringe again ( we did it for almost three weeks last time ).
The surgery revealed that he had something stuck in his palette again, just like last time / but they’re not so confident that it’s all been removed, so we’ll have to wait and see - still a worrying time but at least he’s looking a little better than he was ;-)

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