
All sorts of stuff going on. A miniature submarine that disappeared on a dive to the wreck of Titanic has been found in pieces. I mean, just looking at the pictures - you’d need to be mad to climb into that. Meanwhile in Ukraine, the crazed leader of the Wagner mercenary group has turned his ire on Putin and the military. Where that’s going is anyone’s guess. And it was action packed at home too. Well, after we got back from Wendy Law’s excellent exhibition up at the Birchwood Studio in old Shandon. The custodian espied me through the window just as I was about to take a sneaky one. And then madame l’artiste arrived herself to give us a personal tour. 
Back - and an emergency! Boat sinking! Over I pedalled as a motley crew of volunteers arrived. The owner was still an hour away so we wasted no time in getting over there with our shiny new pump. We whacked the padlock off and started sooking out the boat which was pretty full of water. Miraculously it slowly began to float higher and after an hour we cast off and hauled it over to the slip. Corinthian heroes, all! 
Later, it being midsummer, the Latvians arrived to make their customary huge bonfire on the beach. Unfortunately the rain arrived at the same time. We stayed home and watched Glastonbury. But Alex Turner, that’s no way to headline on the pyramid on a Friday night. The people demand a show. Every time it got going he killed it. Maybe time to for him to chuck the live shows altogether.

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