After Brunch

Good thing the market was on as otherwise there would have been no planned activity today. I was grateful that the temperature was lower thanks to cloud cover. Tomorrow promises to be rather different.

Although there was a nice Dover Sole on the fishmongers' stall, Len opted for a fat sea bream for dinner because the price per kilo was substantially cheaper. Never mind that I like the taste of Dover Sole.

Naturally we adjourned to Finkins for lunch/brunch of toasted cheese and. ham sarnies with a side of salad. Basil had his usual sausage.

As we were leaving, I thought this view of a deserted table would make a rather nice vignette for today, using a Fuji profile and reducing the clarity and saturation a touch, the red of the garden umbrella in the background being matched by the bottle of tomato ketchup. A jaded English summer's day.

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